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Top Paranormal Sites .com - does exactly what it says on the tin. A free 'Top Sites' list of paranormal themed websites. This site includes automatic site statistics, and a manual voting and review facility.

Watch Paranormal

Satisfy your Paranormal curiosity! Watch hundreds of Paranormal TV Shows and Documentaries all in one place for free.

At the heart of the greatest mysteries

The Beyond is not nebulous, it is Cosmic!!! When we go into the Beyond, we go to another planet, a wonderful planet that belongs to another Cosmos, on another vibratory level, in another Dimension... through a huge Vortex, real "Stargate".

Category: General Paranormal
Paranormal Activity Network Investigation Center Database ( the (Paranormal Activity Network Investigation Center Database) website was established to serve as an on-line resource for paranormal research and activity. Here you can find locations that have been reported and investigated all over the...

Category: General Paranormal
The Haunted Realms

A paranormal Message Board filled with topics going back to 2003.

Category: Paranormal Forums

Weird stuff for weirdos to click on.

Category: General Paranormal

A family-friendly inspirational soul development site for anyone intrigued by the psychic, mystic, spiritual or magickal, pagan paths. Welcome to our Home.

Category: Spiritual
Halloween Tales

Tales of Halloween ... To live a thrilling night!

Category: Other Paranormal
Paranormal Filler

Between science and ignorance there is Filler. Home of the group of radio shows featuring celebrities, investigators, psychics, cryptozoologists, ufologists and more.


The latest paranormal news shared on the web, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and iPhone App. #UFO #Ghost #Cryptid


ufos, bigfoot and paranormal phenomena

#71 PSHRadio

We are currently doing a Radio show called Paranormal Spirit Hunters Radio (PSHRadio for short). The show is currently Hosted By Sam herself and Caroline. Here at PSH we also Investigate the Paranormal World, which we have been roughly doing for the...

Category: Other Paranormal

News paranormal mysteries and phenomena, UFOs, conspiracies, extraterrestrial life and other current events.

Spooky Paranormal Investigators

We investigate those places which are claimed to be haunted but not yet have been proved...we have engineers and psychic experts in our team...we investigate scientifically to prove whether those places are really haunted or not..if you are facing any...

Shadow Animals Page

This page is a collection of stories about shadow animals. Shadow animals are often dark or black in color (though I have reports of white figures as well), constantly seen running, or if sighted move at remarkable speeds. Often, the figures have...

Category: General Paranormal
Blood Moon Paranormal

Experiencing the paranormal can affect you in many ways by boosting anxiety and stress levels... Plus, it affects your family and every area of your life. ! Hello I'm Connie, Case Manager in Orlando, FL. I've encountered the paranormal since I was 3...

Small Town Haunts

Today's Top Paranormal News, Ghost Videos, Haunted Locations, Creepy EVPs! ~>Subscribe to our Paranormal Newspaper: ~>Follow Us on Twitter @SmallTownHaunts ~>Follow Us on G+:...

Ghostly World

A database of haunted places, ghosts, abandoned buildings, ghost towns, and the paranormal, with stories from around the world.

Category: Haunted Locations Paranormal Science and Informations is an independent, private platform for all areas of the paranormal , provides relevant information and also serves as a switching center for all those seeking help and for all paranormal groups or individuals.

#79 P.W.

One person team

Category: Other Paranormal
Haunted Travels USA

One of the fastest growing and most fascinating niches in specialty tourism is traveling to HAUNTED DESTINATIONS. Whether it is an amazing paranormal event that is taking you across the nation, or the romance of one of the country’s most haunted cities,...

Category: Haunted Locations