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Top Paranormal Sites .com - does exactly what it says on the tin. A free 'Top Sites' list of paranormal themed websites. This site includes automatic site statistics, and a manual voting and review facility.

Small Town Haunts

Today's Top Paranormal News, Ghost Videos, Haunted Locations, Creepy EVPs! ~>Subscribe to our Paranormal Newspaper: ~>Follow Us on Twitter @SmallTownHaunts ~>Follow Us on G+:...

Ghostly World

A database of haunted places, ghosts, abandoned buildings, ghost towns, and the paranormal, with stories from around the world.

Category: Haunted Locations Paranormal Science and Informations is an independent, private platform for all areas of the paranormal , provides relevant information and also serves as a switching center for all those seeking help and for all paranormal groups or individuals.

#84 P.W.

One person team

Category: Other Paranormal
Haunted Travels USA

One of the fastest growing and most fascinating niches in specialty tourism is traveling to HAUNTED DESTINATIONS. Whether it is an amazing paranormal event that is taking you across the nation, or the romance of one of the country’s most haunted cities,...

Category: Haunted Locations
Banbury Ghost Hunters

Banbury Ghost Hunters, or BGH, was founded on 1st September 2010 by two friends who shared a common interest, the paranormal. Since then, BGH has grown in members, knowledge and experience by conducting a number of paranormal investigations at a variety...

Category: General Paranormal
Paranormal Cinema Online

Paranormal Cinema Online

veryparanormal is a community portal into the world of the unknown. Stream gripping shows, helpful tutorials, and raw investigations. Join and Explore the Unexplained.

Freak Lore

Bringing readers unusual paranormal stories, including tales of monsters and bizarre happenings from around the world.

The Occult Musuem

The Occult Museum is the web’s creepiest and most mysterious destination. Discover true ghost stories, horrifying hauntings and paranormal activity. Explore the latest UFO sightings, Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster theories and more.

Category: General Paranormal
Alternate Memories - Mandela Effect

The Mandela Effect and other large-scale alternate memory phenomena is characterized by a significant number of individuals remembering something for which there is no evidence available.

Category: Other Paranormal
UFO Sightings News

Latest news about UFO sightings and space anomalies.

Pathfinder Paranormal Investigators

The group was formed in 2004 at the height of the paranormal craze and we embarked on bringing a sense of professionalism to the field of Paranormal research. Since the groups inception we have conducted over 800 investigations in a variety of locations,...

Unknown Paranormal

A paranormal group located in the Fort Leonard Wood Missouri area serving Central and Southern Missouri.

Speciale Halloween Party

stories, curiosities and various utility related to Halloween!

Category: General Paranormal
Paranormal Investigations

We are a circa 1860 three story Victorian Mansion that has paranormal investigation tours. We offer dinner, stories, investigation, stayover and breakfast, plus many more things. Go to your website for a full list of what we have to ffer.

Category: Haunted Locations
Halloween Toplist

Topsites list for Halloween, Paranormal & Horror sites: join FREE!

UFO Truth Seeker

UFO Truth Seeker is a ufo blog news blog featuring breaking news about UFO sightings around the world. We are also a great source for alternative news and conspiracy theories. We feature the latest ufo news, breaking ufo reports, ufo sightings, ufo...

ET and I

How to make ET contact, reflections on my experiences with ETs and reflections on the ET contact experience.

Category: General Paranormal
Underworld Reflections

Underworld Reflections provides photos of real fairies, elementals and otherworldly beings in detail and glowing color. Transdimensional photographer and author Jane Tripp is a Digital Seer and Otherworld naturalist and researcher exploring liminal...

Category: Other Paranormal