Gateway Page

To deter cheating, a gateway page has been put up. Click the link below to Finalize your vote.

Enter without voting - To evolve and come into your true potential and true-self, you must kill the skeptical and logical can't use it in spiritual matters. And when you do this, the changes will be strong enough it overcomes the un-natural programs in your mind, allowing you to discover many wonderous gifts you were never really lost them...they are ready to be re-Awakened! Why the beats? Using the principles of Resonance, the beats will increase or decrease the speed at which the molecules in our bodies vibrate...and different levels of vibrating energy are frequencies. And as stated by Dr. Max Planck, "All the physical matters are composed of vibration." So basically, everything is energy! You're thoughts too are energy, so strong in energies, in fact, that it attracts similar energies to you. So be very careful of what thoughts you hold. IE: Emotions of love, joy, passion, and enthusiasm vibrate at high frequencies and attract similar circumstances.But hate, anger.. Namaste, Ascension-ArchAngel/King-Louie
